Команды Linux
Linux — это Unix-подобная операционная система. Все команды Linux / Unix запускаются в терминале, предоставляемом системой Linux. Этот терминал похож на командную строку ОС Windows. Команды Linux / Unix чувствительны к регистру. Терминал можно использовать для выполнения всех административных задач. Это включает установку пакетов, манипулирование файлами и управление пользователями. Терминал Linux является интерактивным для пользователя. Терминал выводит результаты команд, которые задает сам пользователь. Выполнение набранной команды происходит только после нажатия клавиши Enter.
access | Используется для проверки, есть ли у вызывающей программы доступ к указанному файлу. Его можно использовать, чтобы проверить, существует ли файл или нет. |
accton | Используется для включения или выключения процесса учета или изменения файла учета процесса информации. |
aclocal | Используется для автоматического создания файлов aclocal.m4 из файла |
acpi | Используется для отображения состояния батареи и другой информации ACPI. |
acpi_available | Проверяет, доступна ли подсистема ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface). |
acpid | Обеспечивает интеллектуальное управление питанием в системе и используется для уведомления программ пользовательского пространства о событиях ACPI. |
addr2line | Используется для преобразования адресов в имена файлов и номера строк. |
agetty | Это версия getty для Linux, которая представляет собой программу Unix, работающую на главном компьютере, которая управляет физическими или виртуальными терминалами для обеспечения многопользовательского доступа |
alias | Указывает оболочке заменить одну строку другой строкой при выполнении команд |
amixer | Это микшер командной строки для драйвера звуковой карты ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) |
aplay | Это аудиоплеер командной строки для драйверов звуковой карты ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture). |
aplaymidi | Используется для воспроизведения стандартных файлов MIDI (цифровой интерфейс музыкальных инструментов) путем отправки содержимого файла MIDI на порт MIDI ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) |
apropos | Это помогает пользователю, когда он не помнит точную команду, но знает несколько ключевых слов, связанных с командой, которые определяют ее использование или функциональность |
apt | Предоставляет высокоуровневый CLI (интерфейс командной строки) для системы управления пакетами и предназначен в качестве интерфейса для конечного пользователя, который позволяет использовать некоторые параметры, лучше подходящие для интерактивного использования по умолчанию по сравнению с более специализированными инструментами APT, такими как apt-cache и apt-get |
apt-get | Это инструмент командной строки, который помогает обрабатывать пакеты в Linux |
aptitude | Открывает высокотехнологичный интерфейс для взаимодействия с диспетчером пакетов машины |
ar | Используется для создания, изменения и извлечения файлов из архивов |
arch | Используется для печати архитектуры компьютера |
arp | Он управляет кешем ARP системы. Это также позволяет сделать дамп кеша ARP |
aspell | Используется как средство проверки правописания в Linux |
atd | Это служба планировщика заданий, который запускает задания, запланированные для последующего выполнения |
atrm | Используется для удаления указанных заданий. Чтобы удалить задание, его номер задания передается в команде |
atq | Он отображает список ожидающих заданий, которые запланированы пользователем |
autoconf | Используется в Linux для создания сценариев конфигурации |
autoheader | Используется для создания файла шаблона C «#define» или любого другого заголовка шаблона для использования конфигурации |
automake | Используется для автоматического создания файлов, соответствующих установленным стандартам кодирования GNU |
autoreconf | Используется для создания автоматически собираемого исходного кода для Unix-подобных систем |
autoupdate | Используется для обновления файла в нашей системе Linux до более новой версии autoconf |
awk | Это язык сценариев, используемый для управления данными и создания отчетов |
banner | Используется для печати строки символов ASCII большими буквами для стандартного вывода |
basename | Он удаляет информацию о каталоге и суффиксы из имен файлов, т. е. печатает ИМЯ файла с удалением всех ведущих компонентов каталога |
batch | Используется для чтения команд из стандартного ввода или указанного файла и их выполнения, когда это позволяют уровни загрузки системы, то есть когда средняя загрузка падает ниже 1,5 |
bc | Используется для калькулятора командной строки |
bg | Используется для размещения заданий переднего плана в фоновом режиме |
biff | Система почтовых уведомлений для unix, которая уведомляет пользователя в командной строке о поступлении новой почты и сообщает, от кого она пришла |
bind | Используется для установки привязок клавиш и переменных Readline |
bison | Это в основном генератор синтаксического анализа, похожий на yacc |
break | Используется для завершения выполнения цикла for, цикла while и до цикла |
builtin | Используется для запуска встроенной оболочки, передачи ей аргументов (args), а также для получения статуса выхода |
bzcmp | Используется для вызова утилиты cmp для сжатых файлов bzip2 |
bzdiff | Используется для сравнения сжатых файлов bzip2 |
bzgrep | Используется для поиска шаблона или выражения, но внутри файла, сжатого с помощью bzip2 |
bzip2 | Используется для сжатия и распаковки файлов |
bzless | Ему не нужно читать весь входной файл перед запуском, поэтому с большим файлом он запускается быстрее |
bzmore | Используется в качестве фильтра для просмотра CRT сжатых файлов bzip2, сохраненных с суффиксом .bz2 |
cal | Used to see the calendar of a specific month or a whole year. By default, it shows current month’s calendar as output |
case | It is the best alternative when we had to use multiple if/elif on a single variable |
cat | Reads data from file and gives their content as output. It helps us to create, view, concatenate files |
cc | It is used to compile the C language codes and create executables |
ccrypt | It is a command line tool for encryption and decryption of data |
cd | Known as change directory command. It is used to change current working directory |
cfdisk | It displays or manipulates the disk partition table by providing a text-based “graphical” interface |
chage | Used to view and change the user password expiry information |
chattr | It is a file system command which is used for changing the attributes of a file in a directory |
chfn | It allows you to change a user’s name and other details easily. chfn stands for Change finger |
chgrp | Used to change the group ownership of a file or directory |
chkconfig | Used to list all available services and view or update their run level settings |
chmod | Used to change the access mode of a file |
chown | Used to change the file Owner or group |
chpasswd | Used to change password for multiple users at a time |
chroot | Used to change the root directory |
chrt | Used for manipulating the real-time attributes of a process |
chsh | Used to change the user’s login shell(currently login shell) |
chvt | Used to switch between the different TTY (TeleTYpewriter) terminals available |
cksum | Used to display a CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check) value, the byte size of the file and the name of the file to standard output |
clear | Used to clear the terminal screen |
cmp | Used to compare the two files byte by byte and helps you to find out whether the two files are identical or not |
col | It is used to filter out reverse line feeds. The col utility simply reads from the standard input and writes to standard output |
colcrt | Used to format the text processor output so that it can be viewed on Cathode Ray Tube displays |
colrm | Removes selected columns from a file |
column | Used to display the contents of a file in columns |
comm | Compares two sorted files line by line and write to standard output; the lines that are common and the lines that are unique |
compress | Used to reduce the file size. After compression, the file will be available with an added .Z extension |
continue | Used to skip the current iteration in for, while and until loop |
cp | Used to copy files or group of files or directory |
cpio | cpio stands for “copy in, copy out“. It is used for processing the archive files like *.cpio or *.tar. This command can copy files to and from archives |
cpp | It is automatically used by C compiler to transform your program before compilation |
cron | A software utility, offered by Linux-like operating system which automates the scheduled task at a predetermined time |
crontab | A list of commands that you want to run on a regular schedule, and also the name of the command used to manage that list |
csplit | Used to split any file into many parts as required by the user |
ctags | It allows quick access across the files (For example quickly seeing definition of a function) |
cupsd | It is a type of scheduler for CUPS (Common Unit Printing System). It implements the printing system on the basis of the Internet Printing Protocol |
curl | A tool to transfer data to or from a server, using any of the supported protocols |
cut | For cutting out the sections from each line of files and writing the result to standard output |
cvs | Used to store the history of a file. Whenever a file gets corrupted or anything goes wrong “cvs” help us to go back to the previous version and restore our file |
date | Used to display the system date and time. It is also used to set date and time of the system |
dc | Used to evaluate arithmetic expressions. It evaluates expressions in the form of a postfix expression |
dd | It is a command-line utility for Unix and Unix-like operating systems whose primary purpose is to convert and copy files |
declare | Used to declare shell variables and functions, set their attributes and display their values |
depmod | Used to generate a list of dependency description of kernel modules and its associated map files |
df | Used to display information related to file systems about total space and available space |
diff | Used to display the differences in the files by comparing the files line by line |
diff3 | Used to compare the three files line by line |
dir | Used to list the contents of a directory |
dirname | Used to remove the trailing forward slahes “/” from the NAME and prints the remaining portion |
dirs | Used to display the list of currently remembered directories |
disable | Used to stop the printers or classes |
dmesg | Used to examine the kernel ring buffer and print the message buffer of kernel |
dmidecode | Used when the user wants to retrieve system’s hardware related information such as Processor, RAM(DIMMs), BIOS detail, etc. of Linux system in a readable format |
domainname | Used to return the Network Information System (NIS) domain name of the host |
dos2unix | Converts a DOS text file to UNIX format |
dosfsck | Diagnoses MS-DOS file system for problems and attempts to repair them |
dstat | Used to retrieve information or statistics form components of the system such as network connections, IO devices, or CPU, etc. |
du | Used to track the files and directories which are consuming excessive amount of space on hard disk drive |
dump | Used to backup the filesystem to some storage device |
dumpe2fs | Used to print the super block and blocks group information for the filesystem present on device |
dumpkeys | Used for the dump keyboard translation tables |
echo | Used to display line of text/string that are passed as an argument |
ed | Used for launching the ed text editor which is a line-based text editor with a minimal interface which makes it less complex for working on text files i.e creating, editing, displaying and manipulating files |
egrep | It treats the pattern as an extended regular expression and prints out the lines that match the pattern |
eject | It allows ejecting a removable media (typically a CD-ROM, floppy disk, tape, or JAZ or ZIP disk) using the software |
emacs | It is a editor having simple user interface. Also, there is no insert mode in this editor. It only have editing mode. |
enable | Used to start the printers or classes |
env | Used to either print environment variables. It is also used to run a utility or command in a custom environment |
eval | Built-in command used to execute arguments as a shell command |
ex | It is a text editor in Linux which is also termed as the line editor mode of the vi editor |
exec | Used to execute a command from the bash itself |
exit | Used to exit the shell where it is currently running |
expand | Allows you to convert tabs into spaces in a file and when no file is specified it reads from standard input |
expect | This command or scripting language works with scripts that expect user inputs. It automates the task by providing inputs |
export | It is bash shell BUILTINS commands, which means it is part of the shell. It marks an environment variables to be exported to child-processes |
expr | It evaluates a given expression and displays its corresponding output |
factor | Used to print the prime factors of the given numbers, either given from command line or read from standard input |
fc | Used to list, edit or re-execute the commands previously entered into an interactive shell |
fc-cache | It scans the font directories and build font cache for applications which use fontconfig for their font handling |
fc-list | It is used to list the available fonts and font styles. Using the format option, the list of all fonts can be filtered and sorted out |
fdisk | Format disk is a dialog-driven command in Linux used for creating and manipulating disk partition table |
fg | Used to put a background job in foreground |
fgrep | Used to search for the fixed-character strings in a file |
file | Used to determine the type of a file. .file type may be of human-readable(e.g. ‘ASCII text’) or MIME type(e.g. ‘text/plain; charset=us-ascii’) |
find | Used to find files and directories and perform subsequent operations on them |
finger | It is a user information lookup command which gives details of all the users logged in. |
fmt | Works as a formatter for simplifying and optimizing text files |
fold | It wraps each line in an input file to fit a specified width and prints it to the standard output |
for | Used to repeatedly execute a set of command for every element present in the list |
free | Displays the total amount of free space available along with the amount of memory used and swap memory in the system, and also the buffers used by the kernel |
Fun | Used to draw various type of patterns on the terminal |
function | Used to create functions or methods |
g++ | Used for preprocessing, compilation, assembly and linking of source code to generate an executable file |
gawk | Used for pattern scanning and processing language |
gcc | GNU Compiler Collections is used to compile mainly C and C++ language. It can also be used to compile Objective C and Objective C++ |
gdb | GNU Debugger tool helps to debug the programs written in C, C++, Ada, Fortran, etc. |
getent | Used to get the entries in a number of important text files called databases |
gpasswd | Used to administer the /etc/group and /etc/gshadow |
grep | Searches a file for a particular pattern of characters, and displays all lines that contain that pattern |
groupadd | Used to create a new user group |
groupdel | Used to delete a existing group |
groupmod | Used to modify or change the existing group on Linux system |
groups | Groups are the collection of users. Groups make it easy to manage users with the same security and access privileges |
grpck | It verifies the integrity of the groups information. It checks that all entries in /etc/group and /etc/gshadow have the proper format and contain valid data |
grpconv | It is used to convert to shadow groups. The grpconv command creates a gshadow from the group and an optionally existing gshadow |
gs | This command invokes Ghostscript, which is an interpreter of Adobe Systems PostScript and Portable Document Format(PDF) languages |
gunzip | Used to compress or expand a file or a list of files in Linux |
gzexe | Used to compress executable files and also used to automatically uncompress and execute the files |
gzip | This command compresses files. Each single file is compressed into a single file. |
halt | Used to instruct the hardware to stop all the CPU functions. Basically, it reboots or stops the system. |
hash | Used to maintain a hash table of recently executed programs |
hdparm | Used to get statistics about the hard disk, alter writing intervals, acoustic management, and DMA settings |
Head | Prints the top N number of data of the given input |
help | Displays information about shell built-in commands |
hexdump | Used to filter and display the specified files, or standard input in a human readable specified format |
history | Used to view the previously executed command |
host | Used for DNS (Domain Name System) lookup operations |
hostid | Used to displays the Host’s ID in hexadecimal format |
hostname | Used to obtain the DNS(Domain Name System) name and set the system’s hostname or NIS(Network Information System) domain name. |
hostnamectl | Provides a proper API used to control Linux system hostname and change its related settings |
htop | It is a command line utility that allows the user to interactively monitor the system’s vital resources or server’s processes in real time |
hwclock | Utility for accessing the hardware clock, also called Real Time Clock (RTC) |
iconv | Used to convert some text in one encoding into another encoding |
id | Used to find out user and group names and numeric ID’s (UID or group ID) of the current user or any other user in the server |
if | Used to execute commands based on conditions |
ifconfig | Used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. |
iftop | It is a network analyzing tool used by system administrators to view the bandwidth related stats |
ifup | It basically brings the network interface up, allowing it to transmit and receive data |
import | Used for capturing a screenshot for any of the active pages we have and it gives the output as an image file |
info | Reads documentation in the info format. It will give detailed information for a command when compared with the main page |
insmod | Used to insert modules into the kernel |
install | Used to copy files and set attributes |
iostat | Used for monitoring system input/output statistics for devices and partitions |
iotop | Used to display and monitor the disk IO usage details and even gets a table of existing IO utilization by the process |
ip | Used for performing several network administration tasks |
ipcrm | Used to remove some IPC(Inter-Process Communication) resources. It eliminates the IPC objects and their associated data structure form the system |
ipcs | Shows information on the inter-process communication facilities for which the calling process has read access |
iptables | Used to set up and maintain tables for the Netfilter firewall for IPv4, included in the Linux kernel |
iptables-save | It will save the current iptables rules in a user specified file, that can be used later when the user wants |
iwconfig | Used to display the parameters, and the wireless statistics which are extracted from /proc/net/wireless |
join | It is a command line utility for joining lines of two files based on a key field present in both the files |
journalctl | Used to view systemd, kernal and journal logs |
kill | Used to terminate processes manually. kill command sends a signal to a process which terminates the process |
last | Used to display the list of all the users logged in and out since the file /var/log/wtmp was created |
less | Used to read contents of text file one page(one screen) per time |
let | Used to evaluate arithmetic expressions on shell variables |
ln | Used to create links between files |
locate | Used to find the files by name |
look | Shows the lines beginning with a given string |
lsblk | Used to display details about block devices and these block devices(Except ram disk) are basically those files that represent devices connected to the pc. |
lshw | Used to generate the detailed information of the system’s hardware configuration from various files in the /proc directory |
lsmod | Used to display the status of modules in the Linux kernel. It results in a list of loaded modules |
lsof | Provides a list of files that are opened |
lsusb | Used to display the information about USB buses and the devices connected to them |
mailq | This command in Linux prints the mail queue i.e the list of messages that are there in the mail queue |
man | Used to display the user manual of any command that we can run on the terminal |
md5sum | To verify data integrity using MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5) |
mkdir | Allows the user to create directories. This command can create multiple directories at once |
modinfo | Used to display the information about a Linux Kernel module |
more | Used to view the text files in the command prompt, displaying one screen at a time in case the file is large (For example log files) |
mount | Used to mount the filesystem found on a device to big tree structure(Linux filesystem) rooted at ‘/‘ |
mpstat | Used to report processor related statistics. |
mv | Used to move one or more files or directories from one place to another in file system like UNIX |
nc(netcat) | It is one of the powerful networking tool, security tool or network monitoring tool. |
netstat | Displays various network related information such as network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, multicast memberships, etc. |
nmcli | Used for controlling NetworkManager. nmcli commnad can also be used to display network device status, create, edit, activate/deactivate, and delete network connections |
nslookup | It is a network administration tool for querying the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain domain name or IP address mapping or any other specific DNS record |
od | Used to convert the content of input in different formats with octal format as the default format |
passwd | Used to change the user account passwords |
paste | Used to join files horizontally (parallel merging) by outputting lines consisting of lines from each file specified, separated by tab as delimiter, to the standard output |
pidof | Used to find out the process IDs of a specific running program |
ping | Used to check the network connectivity between host and server/host |
pinky | It is a user information lookup command which gives details of all the users logged in. Unlike finger, in the pinky, you may trim the information of your interest. |
pmap | Used to display the memory map of a process. A memory map indicates how memory is spread out |
poweroff | Sends an ACPI signal which instructs the system to power down |
printf | Used to display the given string, number or any other format specifier on the terminal window |
ps | Used to list the currently running processes and their PIDs along with some other information depends on different options |
pwd | It prints the path of the working directory, starting from the root |
ranlib | Used to generate index to archive |
rcp | Used to copy files from one computer to another computer |
read | Reads up the total number of bytes from the specified file descriptor into the buffer |
readelf | Used to get information of ELF(Executable and Linkable Format) Files |
readlink | Used to print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names |
reboot | Instructs the system to restart or reboot |
rename | Used to rename the named files according to the regular expression perlexpr |
reset | Used to initialize the terminal. This is useful once a program dies leaving a terminal in an abnormal state |
restore | Used for restoring files from a backup created using dump |
return | Used to exit from a shell function. |
rev | Used to reverse the lines characterwise |
rm | Used to remove objects such as files, directories, symbolic links and so on from the file system like UNIX |
rmdir | Used to remove empty directories from the filesystem in Linux |
rmmod | Used to remove a module from the kernel |
route | Used when you want to work with the IP/kernel routing table |
rsync | It is a software utility for Unix-Like systems that efficiently sync files and directories between two hosts or machines |
sar | Used to monitor Linux system’s resources like CPU usage, Memory utilization, I/O devices consumption, etc. |
scp | Used to copy file(s) between servers in a secure way. |
screen | Provides the ability to launch and use multiple shell sessions from a single ssh session |
script | Used to make typescript or record all the terminal activities |
scriptreplay | Used to replay a typescript/terminal_activity stored in the log file that was recorded by the script command |
sdiff | Used to compare two files and then writes the results to standard output in a side-by-side format |
sed | Used for finding, filtering, text substitution, replacement and text manipulations like insertion, deletion search etc. |
select | Used to create a numbered menu from which a user can select an option |
seq | Used to generate numbers from FIRST to LAST in steps of INCREMENT |
setsid | Used to run a program in a new session |
shift | Shifts/moves the command line arguments to one position left. |
showkey | prints to standard output either the scan codes or the key code or the `ascii’ code of each key pressed |
shred | Used in order to delete a file completely from hard disk |
shutdown | Used to shutdown the system in a safe way |
sleep | Used to create a dummy job. A dummy job helps in delaying the execution |
source | Used to read and execute the content of a file(generally set of commands), passed as an argument in the current shell script |
sort | Used to sort a file, arranging the records in a particular order |
split | Used to split large files into smaller files |
ssh | Protocol used to securely connect to a remote server/system |
strace | It is one of the most powerful process monitoring, diagnostic, instructional tool of Linux. |
stty | Used to change and print terminal line settings |
sudo | Used as a prefix of some command that only superuser are allowed to run |
sum | Used to find checksum and count the blocks in a file |
sync | Used to synchronize cached writes to persistent storage |
systemctl | Used to examine and control the state of “systemd” system and service manager |
tac | Used to concatenate and print files in reverse |
Tail | Prints the last N number of data of the given input |
tar | Used to create Archive and extract the Archive files |
tee | Reads the standard input and writes it to both the standard output and one or more files |
time | Used to execute a command and prints a summary of real-time, user CPU time and system CPU time spent by executing a command when it terminates |
top | Provides a dynamic real-time view of the running system |
touch | Used to create, change and modify timestamps of a file |
tr | It is a command line utility for translating or deleting characters |
tracepath | Used to traces path to destination discovering MTU along this path |
traceroute | Prints the route that a packet takes to reach the host |
Tree | A recursive directory listing program that produces a depth-indented listing of files |
tty | It displays the information related to terminal. It basically prints the file name of the terminal connected to standard input |
type | Used to describe how its argument would be translated if used as commands |
uname | Displays the information about the system |
unexpand | Converts each spaces into tabs writing the produced output to the standard output |
uniq | It is a command line utility that reports or filters out the repeated lines in a file |
unix2dos | Converts a Unix text file to DOS format |
until | Used to execute a set of commands as long as the final command in the ‘until’ Commands has an exit status which is not zero |
Uptime | Used to find out how long the system is active (running) |
useradd | Used to add user accounts to your system |
usermod | Used to change the properties of a user in Linux through the command line |
username | It provides a set of commands to fetch username and its configurations from the Linux host |
users | Used to show the user names of users currently logged in to the current host |
userdel | Used to delete a user account and related files |
vi | It is the default editor that comes with the UNIX operating system is called visual editor. |
vmstat | It is a performance monitoring command of the system as it gives the information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, disk and CPU scheduling |
vnstat | Used by system administrators in order to monitor network parameters such as bandwidth consumption or maybe some traffic flowing in or out |
w | Used to show who is logged on and what they are doing |
wall | Displays a message, or the contents of a file, or otherwise its standard input, on the terminals of all currently logged in users |
watch | Used to execute a program periodically, showing output in fullscreen |
wc | Used to find out number of lines, word count, byte and characters count in the files specified in the file arguments |
Wget | Used to download files from the server even when the user has not logged on to the system and it can work in background without hindering the current process |
whatis | Used to get a one-line manual page descriptions |
which | Used to locate the executable file associated with the given command by searching it in the path environment variable |
while | Used to repeatedly execute a set of command as long as the COMMAND returns true |
who | Used to get information about currently logged in user on to system |
whoami | Displays the username of the current user when this command is invoked |
write | Allows a user to communicate with other users, by copying lines from one user’s terminal to others |
xargs | Used to build and execute commands from standard input. It converts input recieved from standard input into arguments of a command |
xdg-open | Used to open a file or URL in the user’s preferred application |
yes | Используется для печати непрерывного выходного потока заданной СТРОКИ. Если СТРОКА не указана, то она выводит "y" |
zdiff | Используется для вызова программы сравнения файлов, сжатых с помощью gzip. |
zdump | Используется для печати текущего времени в указанной зоне или, можно сказать, для печати текущего времени в каждом названии зоны, указанном в командной строке |
zgrep | Используется для поиска выражений в заданном файле, даже если он сжат |
zip | Это утилита сжатия и упаковки файлов для Unix. Каждый файл хранится в одном файле .zip {.zip-filename} с расширением .zip |